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Fiat Candles-Marian Collection

Fiat Marian Collection

Our Fiat Collection of candles is designed to inspire and motivate Christian living, most especially in the home. Each time one lights, sees, or smells the aroma of these beautiful candles, a life-shaping prayer comes to mind. Fiat, is the Latin word meaning, let it be. When Mary is confronted by the Angel Gabriel’s announcement of God’s will that she become the mother of the Incarnate Son in the Gospel of Luke, fiat is the core of Mary’s response, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum, which we translate into English as, “May it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). In this response, Mary offers the whole of her life to God as a living sacrifice through, with, and in her Son, Jesus Christ. These candles are meant to inspire the same self-sacrificing love within those who look upon or smell their aroma, that their lives too might be offered to God the Father through His Beloved Son, just as Mary’s did.

Product Features

– Eco-friendly and non-toxic with a natural soy wax blend
– Reusable glass vessel for sustainable decor
– Wide range of delightful scents to suit all preferences
– Long burning time of 50-60 hours
– Compliant with ASTM safety standards

Care instructions
– Keep burning candle within sight. Keep away from children and pets. Never burn the candle near flammable items.

Ave Maria

This first of our Marian Fiat Candles features the letters “A” “M,” an acronym for Ave Maria, the first words of the prayer to Our Lady, the Hail Mary, intertwined in an elegant calligraphy. Above the calligraphic symbol is a crown, signifying Mary’s coronation as Queen of Heaven and Earth. The crown is thus a reminder that her willingness to allow God’s will to be carried out in her life led to Mary’s entry into the eternal the Heavenly Kingdom, where together with her Son, Jesus Christ, she now reigns as Mother of us all, guiding us to her Son and through Him, the happiness of Heaven.   

Fleur de lis

Our second Maria Fiat Candle features a fleur de lis background in a soft yellow. Though not known by many, the fleur de lis, meaning lily flower in French, is  popular especially in French décor and symbolism, and is a traditionally Marian symbol. The symbolism of this candle is an elegant reminder of all who look upon it of Mary’s simple yet radiantly beautiful life, made so by her concise but all-encompassing yes to God’s will.

At Home in Nazareth

The third candle in our Marian collection features a heart-warming artistic depiction of Our Lady embracing the Infant Christ. This image reminds those who look upon it that Mary’s fiat, her yes to God’s will, encompassed the whole of her life, especially the daily life of the Holy Family, which remains largely hidden from our view. Mary carried out God’s will in her life by ordering her home at Nazareth and caring for those within it daily, no less than she did at the Annunciation, the Presentation, or at the foot of the Cross. This candle is a reminder that saying yes to God in our life looks like carrying out the seemingly mundane tasks of life with great love for God and those He has entrusted to our care, whether preparing a meal, doing a load of laundry, or taking out the garbage.

La Pieta

Our final candle in the Marian collection highlights an artistic rendering of La Pietà by Michaelangelo. Though perhaps not known by most, the Pietà was designed by Michaelangel as an altarpiece. It is consequently, a Eucharistic image, suggesting to the viewer that the Eucharistic presence consumed by the communicant was first offered to the world by Our Lady precisely by offering her Son for the salvation of the world. The image thus has a bi-direction meaning in terms of what it teaches us about daily Christian living. On the one hand, when we say yes, fiat, to God’s will as Mary once did, we too offer the presence of Christ to the world through our very lives. On the other, as members of Christ’s Body, the Church, Mary desires to offer us to the world for its salvific healing, a mission which we cooperate with by every act carried out in self-sacrificing love.