The Cantores Sancti Ludovici is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. It exists to fund a schola cantorum (school of singers) to chant the Divine Office and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as well as to study and promote the liberal arts and Catholic culture in St. Louis and beyond.
Learn more about the group here.
Music by the Cantores Sancti Ludovici
Marissa Lesinski is wife and mother of (currently) 3 beautiful blessings. She is very happy to help with the FRESHImage apostolate by putting together rosaries with the “help” of her little ones. She hopes that in this way she can help the promotion of the rosary to bring others closer to God through Mother Mary.
Learn more about Marissa here.
Products Designed by Marissa
Anthony is the founder of FRESHImage Ministries Inc., an online Catholic apostolate aimed at reawakening the recognition of the dignity of the human person within the culture by providing educational resources. Ton holds a Master of Theological Studies from the University of Notre Dame, and is currently a PhD candidate in Theological Studies at Saint Louis University.
Works by Tony